VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Spectrum
Auteur : prachigupta
Date de création : 20-07-2008
posté le 15-08-2008 à 14:46:05

the world as it was..and as it happens to be..

I was still a little girl during the years of the Gulf War 1990.

While  doing shopping in a supermarket, my parents made it a point to buy a considerable amount of canned foods which was not the norm in our house. I asked my father "Why we were buying canned foods?" My father explained that it was to prepare ourselves in case there was a curfew or the situation aggravated and we had to quit our homes without preparation. A thought struck my mind, and I said "How wonderful it would ,have been if God created storage boxes in our stomachs, so one would have enough food supply in times of war. My father said "God didn't create war, so he didn't think storage boxes in our stomachs were necessary." Ever since, I think more than often that the world as it was conceived by the Seigneur must have been a very self-sufficient and close-to-perfect world...and every human activity that lead to it's progress has tried to imbalance the harmony of the planet, in more than one way..


Lets take environment for issue all the countries are struggling hard to resolve. Mineral water bottles, cola cans, plastics containers...majority of the household waste comprises of things that come from packed foods. Primarily, it was fruits that grew on trees that were made for consumption by man. Fruits leave no waste, the only inedible thing is the seed that gives more trees once sown in the earth's womb.


Yes, infections, deadly diseases were the norm then. Early man had to struggle to save himself from predators. But death must have been more subtle, more easy, more instantaneous. The use of drugs that help treat people increase the life expectancy actually degrade the quality of life. In early itmes, man did not go through this phase, or if he did, it was quite short. be continued










Yogesh le 09-07-2009 à 12:04:54
its very nice!!!!
emmanuel3927naaa le 20-08-2008 à 14:50:10
ainsi préconiser se retour à l'état primaire pour sauver l'homme de la dégénérescence me semblerait une excellente conclusion.
emmanuel3927naaa le 15-08-2008 à 19:05:13
la reflexion est brillante. l'homme est paradoxal par essence. pour faire la paix il déclare la guerre...l'homme cherche à s'échapper des lois de la nature et atteindre la perfection qui n'existe que dans l'imagination. par cette recherche de s'acquitter des dettes qu il a envers mère nature il s'exonère a court terme mais à long terme la nature qui est l'expression de la divinité elle meme le somme de payer ses dettes. l'homme n 'a pas cette vision à long terme contrairement à l'animal. l'homme est donc plus bas que l'animal qui vit en harmonie avec son environment.