VEF Blog

Titre du blog : Spectrum
Auteur : prachigupta
Date de création : 20-07-2008
posté le 09-07-2009 à 02:09:11

Changing the shape of a country by changing its education..

A very nice piece of thought leadership by Patrick Awuah...
Even though many may not realise, leaders are not born but they are shaped up at a very young age. A young child growing up in a highly flamboyant society where gold is all that shines will never be able to dedicate his life for the betterment of people without expeting monetary returns. At the same time, children who are taught the value of truth, dignity and intergrity early in life are probable to become good leaders for they would lay their values in something larger than lif. The underlying problems in the education system in Africa are quiet similar to those in the Middle and far Eastern countries. 
The only way to shape a bright future for our countries is to shape children with good values and inculcate a sense of responsibilty for their actions in them.